Using Ansible to Deploy Neo4j HA Cluster on AWS/Eucalyptus

As a follow-up to my last Neo4j, AWS/Eucalyptus blog, this entry demonstrates another great example of AWS/Eucalyptus fidelity by using Ansible to deploy a Neo4j High Available cluster.

Neo4j - Graph Database
Neo4j – Graph Database
Amazon AWS EC2
Amazon AWS EC2
Eucalyptus Systems Inc.
Eucalyptus Systems Inc.


In order to use this Ansible playbook on AWS/Eucalyptus, the following is needed:

Before deploying the cluster, a security group needs to be created that the cluster will use.  The security group must allow the following:

  • port 22 (SSH)
  • all instances part of the security group allowed to community with each other (ports 0 – 65535)

To create the security group and authorize the ports, make sure the user’s access key, secret access key, and EC2 URL are noted, and do the following:

  1. Create the security group

    ec2-create-group --aws-access-key <EC2_ACCESS_KEY> 
    --aws-secret-key <EC2_SECRET_KEY> 
    --url <EC2_URL> -g neo4j-cluster -d "Neo4j HA Cluster"

  2. Authorize port for SSH in neo4j-cluster security group

    --aws-access-key <EC2_ACCESS_KEY> 
    --aws-secret-key <EC2_SECRET_KEY> 
    --url <EC2_URL> -P tcp -p 22 -s neo4j-cluster

  3. Authorize all port communication between cluster members 

    --aws-access-key <EC2_ACCESS_KEY> --aws-secret-key <EC2_SECRET_KEY> 
    --url <EC2_URL> -P tcp -o neo4j-cluster -p -1 neo4j-cluster

After completing these steps, use


to view the security group:

ec2-describe-group --aws-access-key <EC2_ACCESS_KEY> 
--aws-secret-key <EC2_SECRET_KEY> --url <EC2_URL> neo4j-cluster

GROUP sg-1cbc5777 986451091583 neo4j-cluster Neo4j HA Cluster
PERMISSION 986451091583 neo4j-cluster ALLOWS tcp 0 65535 FROM 
USER 986451091583 NAME neo4j-cluster ID sg-1cbc5777 ingress
PERMISSION 986451091583 neo4j-cluster 
ALLOWS tcp 22 22 FROM CIDR ingress

Neo4j HA Cluster Deployment

Once the security group is created with the correct ports authorized, the cluster can be deployed.  To deploy the cluster, do the following:

  1. Obtain Ansible from git and setup the environment by following the instructions mentioned here –
  2. Obtain the Ansible Playbook for Neo4j HA Cluster using git

    git clone

  3. Change directory into ansible-neo4j-cluster  

    cd ansible-neo4j-cluster

  4. Set up /etc/ansible/hosts with the following information:
  5. Populate vars/ec2-config with either Eucalyptus/AWS information. vars/ec2-config contains the following variables:
    keypair: <EC2/Eucalyptus Keypair>
    ec2_access_key: <EC2_ACCESS_KEY>
    ec2_secret_key: <EC2_SECRET_KEY>
    ec2_url: <EC2_URL>
    instance_type: m1.small
    security_group: <AWS/Eucalyptus Security Group>
    image: <AMI/EMI>

    Execute the following command:

    ansible-playbook neo4j-cluster.yml \
     --private-key=<AWS/Eucalyptus Private Key file> --extra-vars "node_count=3"
  7. After the playbook finishes, there will be an URL provided to access the cluster – similar to the example below:
    TASK: [Display HAProxy URL] *********************
    changed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": 
    "echo \"HAProxy URL for Neo4j -\" ",
     "delta": "0:00:00.006835", "end": "2013-03-30 19:54:31.104320", 
    "rc": 0, "start": "2013-03-30 19:54:31.097485", "stderr": "", 
    "HAProxy URL for Neo4j -"}

    To view the status of cluster in the browser, open up

  8. To get the status of the cluster, use curl:
    curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '["org.neo4j:*"]'

Thats it!  A Neo4j HA cluster with an HA Proxy server serving as an endpoint is available to be used.   If a bigger cluster is desired, just change the


value.   For additional information regarding this playbook, and how it handles the cluster membership, please refer to the following URL –

Hope you enjoy!  As always, questions/comments/suggestions are always welcome.

Using Ansible to Deploy Neo4j HA Cluster on AWS/Eucalyptus

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